MUMC+ Award Prof. Michael Jacobs

With a symposium in the St. Janskerk and a farewell lecture in the aula, vascular surgeon and professor Michael Jacobs bid farewell last Friday. From board chairman Helen Mertens, he received the MUMC+ Award, the highest distinction within the MUMC+, in recognition of all he has meant for Maastricht UMC+ and its patients.

During the symposium, titled 'Important perspectives in healthcare,' speakers included Prof. Tilman Hackeng, Prof. Barend Mees, and Prof. Geert Willem Schurink. Additionally, representatives from The van Grinsven Hospitality Group and Medtronic also shared their reflections on healthcare and Michael's work.

After his farewell lecture in the auditorium of the UM administrative building, Helen Mertens took the floor and presented Michael with the MUMC+ award.
