Iwan van der Horst


 Prof. Iwan van der Horst was the principal investigator of the Simple Intensive Care Studies (SICS). In this ongoing registry, up to 2000 patients were included to unravel the diagnostic and prognostic value of physical and physiological examination. Based on the variables included, physicians make clinical decisions in the sickest patients every day. The design paper is published in the BMJ Open.

He was a leading investigator of clinical studies on critically ill patients focusing on hemodynamics, the heart in non-cardiac disease and acute kidney failure at the ICU. The team was involved in initiatives that combine the best of a prospective cohort study (like SICS-I, SOCCS and SICS-II) and randomised controlled trial design. The protocols were based upon results of systematic reviews (see Prospero).

He was also a co-primary investigator in clinical studies on myocardial infarction and heart failure, especially about (glucose) metabolism. Like the Metformin to Reduce Heart Failure After Myocardial Infarction (GIPS-III), NCT01217307. With this study, they obtained a grant of the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMW; project no. 40-41200-98-9139). Over 20 publications out of this structured study have been published.

Therefore, he was an investigator in the Glucose Insulin Potassium Study (GIPS) I and II, both supported by the Netherlands Heart Foundation (99.028 and 2003B277). Studies on the diagnostic and prognostic value of routine laboratory measures in critically ill patients and implementation study on secondary prevention.

Currently, he is part of a team dedicated to monitoring and big data in critical care patients. A big database is created and cleaned for specific questions regarding mortality. The first projects focus on clustering and validation of prediction models. With the heart on team science, this research line is open to collaboration.

Department of Intensive Care
P. Debyelaan 25
6229 HX, Maastricht
Room number: 3.C1.056  
T: +31(0)43 387 63 87 

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