Justin Luermans

Assistant Professor

Justin Luermans studied Medicine at Maastricht University, The Netherlands. After obtaining his Medical Degree (cum laude) in 2003 he was trained as a Cardiologist from 2005 until 2011 at the Department of Cardiology, St. Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. He continued his medical career in Nieuwegein by following a fellowship Electrophysiology which he finished in 2013. In 2014 he joined the Cardiology Staff at MUMC+, The Netherlands, as an Electrophysiologist. His professional work focuses on the invasive treatment of cardiac arrhythmias and bradycardias, by means of catheter ablation and cardiac implantable electronic devices. Justin Luermans is director of the Cardiac Catheterization Lab at MUMC+ and also has an affiliation as an Electrophysiologist at the Department of Cardiology of Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

In 2010 he obtained his PhD title at Utrecht University: thesis: Paradoxical Embolism, Migraine, and Cardiac Shunt Closure

The research activities of Justin Luermans are mainly focused on atrial fibrillation and cardiac pacing. He has been involved in the steering committee of several trials of the “RACE” concept, which is a series of high-profile large Dutch clinical and translational trials in the field of atrial fibrillation. His main research focus is conduction system pacing, which is an innovative pacing method, by means of pacing the heart’s natural conduction system.

In 2020 he received a “ZonMW doelmatigheidsonderzoek” Research Grant for initiating a large multicenter randomized trial comparing conduction system pacing with traditional right ventricular pacing in patients with a pacing indication because of bradycardia: “The LEAP trial.”

Department of Cardiology
P. Debyelaan 25, 6229 HX Maastricht 
PO Box 5800, 6202 AZ Maastricht
T: +31 (0)43 387 70 95

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