Symposium 2020

Deepak Balamurali

Division Blood
Gender-bias as a discerning tool in predicting the progression of Atrial Fibrillation & Heart Failure

Delia Férnandez de la Fuente
Division Blood
Ultra High-throughput Screening Assay to Identify New Antiplatelet Drugs with Discriminative Mode of Receptor-dependent Action

Anouk Gentier
Division Blood
Searching for a new way: The use of a protein S Gla domain peptide as a novel tracer for atherosclerotic calcification

Michiel Henkens
Division Heart
Intravenous Immunoglobulin Therapy in Patients with Chronic Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy and Cardiac Parvovirus B19 persistence

Han Jin
Division Blood
Network analyses on human plaque gene expression revealed pivotal roles of T cells in atherosclerosis

Michal Kawczynski
Division Vessels
Role of preoperative transthoracic echocardiography in predicting postoperative artrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery: meta-analysis and preliminary results from the RACE V/WP 5 cohort


Daniëlle Kerkhofs
Division Blood
Blood-brain barrier leakage is related to loss of microstructural intergrity and cognitive decline in cerebral Small Vessel Disease

Hongxing Luo
Division Heart
Heart sounds for cardiac resynchronization therapy optimization

Pascale Notten

Division Blood
Ultrasound-Accelerated CAtheter-Directed Thrombolysis Versus Anticoagulation for the Prevention of Post-Thrombotic Syndrome:
The CAVA-Trial
*please download the file and view in presentation mode for the video

Shaiv Parikh
Division Heart
Biomechanical Characterisation of Ascending Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms in Humans: A ContinuumMechanistics Approach to in vivo Deformations

Stefan Reinhold
Division Heart
The Interplay of WNT- and PPARy in vascular calcification

Thomas van Sloten
Division Vessels
Microvascular dysfunction: contribution to stroke, dementia and depression




Sjoerd Timmermans
Division Blood
Neutrophils and Contact Activation of Coagulation as Potential Drivers of Covid-19

Indira Vonhögen
Division Heart

Stef Zeemering
Division Heart
Repetitive Patterns in High-Density Mapping of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients



Matthijs Cluitmans
Division Heart
Understanding ‘unexplained’ sudden cardiac arrest